Digital National Security Archive (DNSA)

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    Digital National Security Archive (DNSA) provides access to declassified U.S. government documents from 1945-2013.  The resource now includes 48 collections consisting of approximately 120,000 indexed documents focusing on national security topics, such as the Cuban Missile Crisis, U.S. Intelligence after 9/11, and the Vietnam War.

    The collection contains policy documents including presidential directives, memos, diplomatic dispatches, meeting notes, independent reports, briefing papers, White House communications, email, confidential letters and other secret material. 


    May 17, 2024 7:37pm
    Collection Content

    Digital National Security Archive provides access to declassified U.S. government documents from 1945-2013. Many of the documents were declassified and released in response to Freedom of Information Act requests and other efforts of the National Security Archive, a non-profit Washington DC-based activist organization dedicated to government transparency. The collection contains policy documents including presidential directives, memos, diplomatic dispatches, meeting notes, independent reports, briefing papers, White House communications, email, confidential letters and other previously classified and/or sensitive government-produced material.

    Many of the documents were originally published in microformat through a partnership with Chadwyck-Healey, Inc. and made available for purchase. ProQuest Information and Learning Company partnered with the National Security Archive to digitize the collection and continue to add to it. As of August 2016 the resource included 48 collections consisting of approximately 120,000 indexed documents focusing on national security topics, such as the Cuban Missile Crisis, U.S. Intelligence after 9/11, and the Vietnam War.

    A small subset of these documents is available in open access in the Electronic Briefing Books" on the website of the National Security Archive. The latter include published ebooks, briefs, and reports produced by the staff of the National Security Archive dealing with current and historical topics related to the collections in the ProQuest database and about other projects, such as the Guatemala National Police Archives, in which the NSA has been involved. Many of the reports and briefs link to selected PDFs of original documents that are also included in the DNSA database, but are available gratis in the brief/report. 

    To view titles and descriptions of the 48 collections available through the Digital National Security Archive, please visit the ProQuest LibGuide at:


    ProQuest offers these collections on either a subscription or purchase basis.

    According to ProQuest, when subscribing to Digital National Security Archive institutions must subscribe to all collections at once.  Through the one-time purchase option, institutions may purchase individual collections or all collections.

    CRL's offer is only for one-time purchase(s).


    ProQuest is handling the licensing for this offer directly with CRL members.  A Standard License Agreement is available.  Please note that this is simply a sample agreement, and ProQuest has expressed its willingness to change the language as required by circumstances and parties entering into the agreement (i.e. state required language).



    Information provided to CRL by Marisol Ramos, University of Connecticut, is incorporated in the review. 

    Additional Reviews in Other Sources

    Kinney, D.J., "The Digital National Security Archive A Case Study."

    Marlatt, Greta E., "Digital National Security Archive." The Charleston Advisor. Volume 6, Number 3, January 2005, pp. 38-38(1).…. Accessed August 16, 2016

    To view titles and descriptions of the 48 collections available through the Digital National Security Archive, please visit the ProQuest LibGuide at:

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