IPUMS International

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    The Integrated Public Use Microdata Series (IPUMS) is an online database of microdata from 79 countries (2015) for international social and economic research, created and maintained by the Minnesota Population Center. Source data is provided by participating National Statistical Offices. The data are coded and documented consistently across countries and over time to facillitate comparative research.   The data are available to qualified researchers free of charge through a web dissemination system.

    Sep 13, 2019 2:27pm
    Collection Content

    IPUMS International is a database of census data from 82 countries, including 277 censuses covering 614 million person records. IPUMS International is composed of microdata, meaning it provides information about individual persons and households. The data are coded and documented consistently across countries and over time to enable comparative research using the microdata. IPUMS enables users to construct a variety of tabulations interrelating any set of variables, tailored to user's specific research questions.

    The data series includes information on a variety of population characteristics, such as: fertility, nuptiality, life-course transitions, migration, labor-force participation, occupational structure, education, ethnicity, and household composition. The information available in each sample varies according to the questions asked in that year. The database currently covers 277 censuses taken from 1960 to the present. 

    The IPUMS International project is a collaboration of the Minnesota Population Center, National Statistical Offices, and international data archives. IPUMS identifies and preserves machine-readable data and additionally secures agreements from participating national statistical agencies to disseminate their data for scholarly research. IPUMS International creates an inventory of all data as well as important documentation such as: enumerator instruction, census forms, codebooks, studies of data quality, and other ancillary documentation when available.  


    The IPUMS-International data is disseminated via a web-based access system. Users must apply for access to the IPUMS International database; access to the system enables a user to extract data from any country in the database. The data extracts are custom-designed and can contain a combination of samples, variables, and cases based on research needs. Users can extract in rectangular or hierarchical output files and can select households or families based on individual-level characteristics. 

    The system features a "variables page" which is the primary tool for exploring the contents of IPUMS-International; users can explore data by one variable group or multiple variable groups combined. The results can be filtered at any time to include only the samples of interest to the user. 


    Use of the IPUMS International data is restricted to scholarly and educational purposes. Access to the documentation is freely available without restriction, however users must apply for access to the data. Applicants are required to agree to a number of conditions to use the data. Commercial use of the data is prohibited.


    Steven Ruggles, Miriam King, Deborah Levison, Robert McCaa, and Matthew Sobek, IPUMS-International: an overview, access April, 2017.

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