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log in or sign upIPUMS Terra (previously known as TerraPop) is an online, open access database that provides users with global-scale data on human population characteristics, land use, land cover, climate, and other environmental characteristics. IPUMS Terra also provides tools for integrating, analyzing and visualizing data that have spatial and temporal dimensions.
IPUMS Terra integrates global population data with data on the environment and provides a framework for locating, analyzing, and visualizing the the data in time and space for investigating agents of change, assessing implications for human society and environment, and developing policies to meet future challenges.
IPUMS Terra focuses on five kinds of data:
The data are held in three formats: microdata, area-level data, and raster data. The IPUMS Terra ingest process for acquiring, processing, and describing data is well-documented and incorporates the production of provenance metadata. Terra aims to capture information on the sources of data included, along with as much information as is practicable on how data were obtained, processed, and developed by the providers.
IPUMS Terra data can be explored through the map-based portal, TerraScope. TerraScope enables users to see where variables are available, display color-coded maps of area-level data and preview raster data.
IPUMS Terra features a data extraction tool called "Extract Builder" which allows users to browse all IPUMS Terra data, descriptive metadata, select variables and datasets from any of the data structures and combine them into a single integrated dataset in the format that best suits the needs of the researcher.
IPUMS Terra also features Terra Clip, a tool that allows users to extract country-level subsets of selected global raster datasets, either as an image or as georeferenced data.
Tracy A. Kugler, David C. Van Riper, Steven M. Manson, David A. Haynes II, Joshua Donato & Katie Stinebaugh (2015) "Terra Populus: Workflows for Integrating and Harmonizing Geospatial Population and Environmental Data", Journal of Map & Geography Libraries, 11:2, 180-206, DOI: 10.1080/15420353.2015.1036484.