US Hispanic Newsstream

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    US Hispanic Newsstream (Formerly knonw as ProQuest U.S. Hispanic Newsstand) provides access to 57 Hispanic newspapers from across the U.S., covering local, regional, national, and international news with an Hispanic perspective.

    May 17, 2024 7:37pm
    Subject Areas
    Resource Types
    Major Languages
    Collection Content

    This database includes content from 52 Hispanic newspapers from across the U.S., covering local, regional, national, and international news from an Hispanic perspective. Titles include El Diario/LA PRENSA (New York City), La Opinión (Los Angeles), Conexión (San Antonio), and Extra (Chicago).

    A CRL analysis of the extent of title holdings indicates that while some holdings date from as early as the 1990s, database coverage of most titles begins in 2006; current title holdings peaked in 2008. See Appendix: U.S. Hispanic Newsstand: CRL title holdings analysis for more detailed analysis. Also, as of March 2013, CRL noted an overlap with the larger database ProQuest Newsstand: 19 titles represented in this database are also found in ProQuest Newsstand.


    This is a text database only: articles from the newspapers are included in ASCII format. Abstracts and citations are also provided. Translation tools are available to translate articles from Spanish to English and English to Spanish.

    The platform offers all features of ProQuest’s newest platform, including faceted options for massaging results and a word occurrence graph. It offers natural language searching and narrowing of searches by date, document types, and several other fields.

    ProQuest does not offer MARC records for the titles.


    Center for Research Libraries

    • Virginia Kerr  Digital Program Manager

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