
Informed Investment in Electronic Resources

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Resources A-Z

CRL gathers and provides information here about commercial and open access digital resources of interest to the CRL community.  This information is intended to inform library decisions on investment in electronic resources and related services.

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Ephemeral publications
Arts and Humanities
Television broadcasting


Africa Commons

Africa Commons is a project which aims to enable Africa to easily control, digitize, and disseminate its cultural heritage–within Africa, and internationally. Digital repatriation efforts will make Africa Commons available for free to all African institutions, and Coheret Digital is also opening the resource to HCBUs in North America.  This far, our platform includes:

Provider: Coherent Digital, LLC
Updated: Feb 9, 2024 10:16am

While CRL makes every effort to verify statements made herein, the opinions expressed and evaluative information provided here represent the considered viewpoints of individual librarians and specialists at CRL and in the CRL community.  They do not necessarily reflect the views of CRL management, its board, and/or its officers.